So this one is more for the ladies. Do you know that an attractive woman walking the streets gets an average of 535,342 cat calls per day? Okay, so I made up that figure. But from the many women who have expressed to me just how annoying receiving daily cat calls is, it’s seemingly a lot. It’s gotten so bad that some women only need to hear “Hey, girl” or “Good morning, Miss” and immediately they are on the defensive. Omg, why can’t I just walk the earth in peace? Now many women just want to know how to let a man down easily on the street.

You can only change yourself

A good piece of advice that can be recommended to anyone is that you cannot change anyone but yourself. While this may come across as alien to some people, especially as they may have long convinced themselves that they’ve been able to change people before, the fact never changes.

If a man makes up his mind to come after a woman then he’s going to come after the woman. Simple. There is very little that women can do to change this fact. However, they can understand the advantages of being gentle at times as opposed to being more aggressive.

Why aggression doesn’t work

Many women have told me time after time again that being gentle never works to ward off men. They claim that men continue to harass them the moment they are spotted, like a hawk that lives only to swoop down and pick up its prey; therefore they are usually left with no choice but to retaliate.

Again, remember that the best solution never really lies with the men, but with you. Likewise, the argument has been used for decades that men should be taught how to control their impulses; and women should be free to roam the streets however they please. In a most idealistic world, this can easily be agreed upon.

Unfortunately. we live in a world where rapists, murderers and perverts also exist. Trying to be all gung-ho about winning every battle is a losing fight. So once again, it comes back to the same thing. Focus more on the the things you can accomplish yourself, like how to let a man down easily.

Devising a proper strategy

If you initially try the “nice gal” approach and a man does not let down then that’s not your problem. It becomes your problem only if the man chooses to become more aggressive towards you for “turning him down”. This is especially so if that aggression quickly seems to want to evolve into something physical.

Logically, it makes sense why some women would prefer to just skip the small talk and retaliate from the beginning; after all, prevention is better than cure they say. The problem with this is that there’s no strategy in the middle. What usually happens is that your aggression would keep men with lower ambition to get what they want at bay (in this case you) but could likely “turn on” all the others.

Consider that studies have shown that rapists often prefer to rape women because of the thrill from the fight; they are not always thrilled from the act of sex itself. This is the sort of information you need to use to your advantage.

When to step up the offense

When you respond nicely at first, you put all the responsibility on the man to make the next (hopefully sensible) move. If you’re lucky he will do nothing else at all and you won’t risk setting him off.

Depending on how men respond to your initial response, whether this be as a result of you simply smiling or saying hi, then you can get a better idea how to move thereafter. If they don’t respond pleasantly to your approach you can then take things to the next level. This level can be referred to as “the middle” where you can firmly express, “Sorry I’m not interested.” Anything along those lines should work. If they take offense to this you then have every right to become more aggressive. You may even need to consider stating your case to the police.

A good man will always respect you

The whole point about attempting to let a man down easily while he approaches you on the street is in giving each man a fair chance. This chance does not necessarily mean a chance to be with you but to merely be a decent human being. Not all men who greet you on the street are bad. Some men could actually turn out to be the men of your dreams.

But by giving each man a fair chance from the beginning you preserve your dignity; you also increase the chances of more positive interactions in your life. It does not matter, whether or not you’re single, in a relationship or married. A good man will always respect this and would not try to pursue you any further, knowing the situation. While you don’t have to disclose any personal details about your life it’s your approach that often makes the difference. This always determines how men respond to the things you do or say.

How it reflects

Unless a man outright disrespects you, no matter who he is, he does not deserve your disrespect. No matter how annoying some men may come across when approaching you, always remember that it’s best to treat people how you would like to be treated. Even when you are treated unfairly consider that no matter how you choose to react it is only a reflection of you.



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