It’s long been accepted the world is made up of “one-percenters” who are represented by a minute portion of society; these people are essentially known to be filthy rich. The vast majority of the remaining 99% are usually viewed as belonging to either the low or middle class.

What has long amazed me with the aforementioned groups of people is just how many of them insist on remaining poor. Now immediately a lot of people will frown at this statement but it does not change the fact. Some people will continue to remain poor as much as they will continue to make me angry.

The effects of “poor thinking”

Firstly, when I speak of “poor people” I do not necessarily speak of people who do not have sufficient money. I speak of those who have a particular mindset that can easily ensure they become rich, yet they remain poor due to their repeated choices in life.

I’ve met so many people who clearly have the potential to become more successful than I am in many ways; however, no amount of motivation was ever enough for them to move forward. In many cases such people are quite aware that they’re great at what they do; but they think they cannot attain a higher level of success. It’s either that or they think it’s going to take them too much time and effort to accomplish.

One example is meeting people who have a natural ability to make money faster than I do. And no matter how many times I show them ways to easily multiply their income (risk free) they find excuses. Yet they will complain day after day that they need to make more money. All in all, their circumstances are often much less of a problem than their way of thinking is.

Choosing poverty

Surely there will always be that particular class of people who will always continue to “chase poverty”. They will chase top brands of shoes, clothes, TVs and cars without considering how they’re going to pay afterwards. Forget rent at the end of the month or what you’re going to eat each night, right? But these people make me less angry than the ones mentioned above because, by default, little is expected of them.

Don’t get me wrong. Some people truly acknowledge they have the potential to achieve much more in life; they just don’t care for the hassle of aiming for it. The choice has and always will be theirs so this has to be respected. But seeing too many people choosing to remain poor while they have so much more to offer themselves and the world is just painstaking.

Use poverty to become rich

It’s likely that the younger you are the more inspired you will be to attempt to change the world. But as you get older you clearly realize one thing; you stand a much higher chance of changing yourself instead of trying to change everyone else.

The long and short of it is that the more “poor people” there are in existence, the more challenging the world can become due to the creation of an unnecessary imbalance. When people are poor they are often forced to do things that are going to affect themselves; they’ll also be forced to do things that affect others (like their children and other people’s children) in some capacity. These effects are manifested in forms such as starvation, crime, less educated and more underdeveloped societies.

Focus on Yourself

It is just both ignorant and irresponsible to think that by focusing only on YOU (which paradoxically you should by the way) will be the solution to all of your problems.

In actuality, focusing only on you may indeed be the best solution that anyone can do at any point. But more focus needs to be placed on saving or uplifting those positive thinking minds who can do so much more but are “stuck in their own rut”. For you see, the world will always have an excess of “poor people” at some point, whether it be due to their lack of motivation or lack of resources. But it is not our duty to judge them.


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